Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Communication is Key

So, I unfortunately do not have much time to blog. I have gotten a large load of work mainly consisting of proofing, proofing, and more proofing. Did I mention proofing?

Anyways, my main (and I would like to think “short”) entry today is about a basic but very important aspect when working anywhere: Communication.

When I say communication, I am talking of all forms, from word-of-mouth to responding to emails or even texting. The better the communication, the less confusion and the more productivity (since you don’t waste time asking each other back and forth what is going on).

A perfect example happened last week. I had e-mailed a request to change something on a cover page to our graphic designer. She emailed me back with the changes and said that if I needed anything else to email her. I thought that the cover was perfect, so did not email her back. A few days later, she sent me a message and said that she likes confirmation when she emails. She asked me whether or not I received her email. I felt bad that I didn’t email her back, and emailed her right away and told her that the cover was just fine.

The lesson (and Workplace Survival 101 Tip) here? Communication is key. I could have saved my graphic designer stress and time if I had just replied to her.

Well, there we go. That’s it for now, back to –well, more proofing.

Yours, tired and working,


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