Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Hello everyone. Well, let me update you.

So, compared to last week, my work load has gone down substantially. Most of my projects, I have completed, and this week I am currently just cleaning up some loose ends. What was keeping me very busy for the last two weeks was the process of editing a journal. The process of publishing is something I have always been interested in, so the fact that I, yes, I, Poppy, get to be in complete charge of a journal is quite an exciting thing.

Anyways, this week, I have a lot of a lighter plate of work to, well, “work on”. Yes, in co-operative terms there are lull/slow periods, and the key thing is to find something to do, not just sit around and wait for someone to tell you what to do while you do nothing, at least, that is what I found by working here at IASTED. Right now, I am sending out some e-mail reminders, researching some U.S. Universities, and trying to design a new cover page for a journal.

Now, I am mostly going to dedicate this blog entry to (as the title of this post suggests) Tuesdays. While working on this co-operative term, I have noticed something: I, personally, have always disliked Tuesdays. Yes, yes, I understand many of you will be opposing this statement immediately. Reasons:

1. Cheap movies on Tuesday (yes, such a thing still exists).
2. Cheap deals at restaurants on Tuesday.
3. It is not Monday.

My arguments to counter:

1. Who goes to a movie on Tuesday? If you do, it will probably be late and consequently make you even more tired on Wednesday.
2. Eating at home is healthier and cheaper (usually).
3. You still haven’t gotten into your total work groove yet.
4. You still have Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday to go.
5. On Monday, you still feel mildly rejuvenated from the weekend, but by the time Tuesday rolls around, the rejuvenation has worn off.

Case and point, as illustrated above. Not convinced? Then comment, and tell me what you think about Tuesdays, your despised day of the week, your weekend activities, or even your plans for world domination.

Well, just some things to wrap this entry up:
-Workplace Survival 101 Tip: Take initiative. Find something to do, or even better, propose something to do. Many people are afraid of rejection or suggesting their own ideas, but you will be surprised how many people are open to new ideas.
-I just want to wish everybody an early “Happy Canada Day!” for everyone in Canada.

Yours, as always,


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